Teaching you how to finally find and be found by clients (not just random followers) on Instagram. Learn actionable, spam-free content and engagement strategies to grow your business and make more money.

Welcome to

Rachel Does Social!


You’ve worked so hard to build your business and you’re rightfully proud of it. 


Add another line.

You know your market inside out, who your customers are and what they want. Your products are bang-on. But there’s a fly in the ointment.

Your competitors are upping their Instagram game and it’s making you panic. 

The truth is, you’re probably losing business to competitors who are more social media savvy than you.

I mean, you know how to use Facebook and Insta for stalking exes and seeing what the Kardashians are up to, but when it comes to getting your business message out there… well, it ain’t really happening, is it my friend?

How do you make your stories stand out?

How do you make those cool pictures with words over the top and how do you attract customers rather than just followers? 

What are hashtags actually for and how do you make your Instagram highlights look fancy? And what about IGTV and Video?!!

Trying to stand out on social media can be so overwhelming, can't it?


I'd love to hear from you

How to make your screen time count

Instagram can be a huge time vacuum if you're not careful, and getting told-off by your mum/husband/kids always stings... even if your business does depend on you having a decent online presence.

Yeah, you love using Instagram for seeing what Mrs. Hinch is up to, making a Joe Wicks recipe or (guilty pleasure alert) checking up on the Kardashians… but that’s not exactly growing your business now, is it?

Truth be told, as a mum with a business, I regularly spend too much time on my phone and I won’t pretend otherwise. But I’ve learned to be intentional.

You need to make that screen time count and learn to use the ‘gram to your advantage… your business (and probably your family) will thank you for it.